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Welcome to my website! If you've got a few minutes, I'd like to introduce myself. Otherwise, the tabs at the top can help you find what you're looking for.

I've always had a passion to create, learn, and understand the world around me. Modern technologies such as robotics, autonomous cars, and wearable electronics ignite the imagination as much as they inspire curiosity into how they work, prompting me to continue through a winding research career. The journey is always more interesting than the destination; so for the remainder of your time on this page, I encourage you to scroll around, click some of the links, and see where your mind takes you. If you'd like to chat — for any reason, whether serious or frivolous — drop me a message on LinkedIn.

Thanks for visiting!

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Dr. Dyl
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Section 1: TL;DR

I started with a combined degree with a B.S. in mechanical engineering and M.S. in agricultural engineering with the ABE Automation and Robotics Lab at Iowa State University, developing robots to improve data throughput in agronomy, to help farmers improve yield and decrease environmental impact. I then completed a PhD with the Faboratory at Yale University, and served as a NASA Space Technology Research Fellow, tackling challenges in soft robotics, where I used flexible materials to enable new functionalities in robots for both Earth and space. The overarching theme of my dissertation was embedding functionality into "robotic skins" that can allow engineers to make use of the relatively unused surfaces of robots, while also serving as a multi-functional robotic prototyping platform for resource-constrained applications (think: spacecraft, dense urban areas, remote research facilities).

Since joining Arieca in April 2022, I have been contributing to the commercialization of liquid metal embedded elastomers (LMEEs) to solve problems in thermal management, primarily for the automotive and semiconductor industries. My current role is the Director of Hardware R&D, where we test our thermal interface materials in situations that mimic our end-users' setups, such as smartphones, laptops, PC's, etc.. I am co-PI on collaborations with Carmel Majidi's Soft Machines Lab at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), where we explore emerging applications of LMEEs, ranging from bodyheat-powered electronics to high-performing interface materials for aerospace applications. Additionally, I stay active in the soft robotics and stretchable electronics communities through joint publications (see Google Scholar) and organizations such as the Nano-Bio Materials Consortium.

Section 2: Soft Robots at Purdue and Yale University

Aug 2016 - April 2022

In Fall 2016, I joined the Faboratory at Purdue University with Prof. Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio, to work on soft robotics. We applied compliant materials to robots, toward the goals of increased safety and dexterity. I then moved with the lab to Yale University, where I embedded robotic functionalities into thin skins, and designing shape changing robots. In Spring 2021, I received the Henry Prentiss Becton Prize for my research, and defended my dissertation in December 2021. I then stayed on as a post-doctoral researcher until I moved to Arieca in April 2022, formally receiving my PhD diploma in May 2022. Representative projects include:

  1. Making stretchable "jamming skins" that change their stiffness and stretchability upon application of a vacuum (shown below in Figure 1 and video 1). Very few soft robots can switch their stiffness to interact with the environment; those that can stiffen often require significant design constraints (such as a large volume of stiffness-changing material) which limit their applicability. By embedding strong jamming capabilities into thin sheets, I aimed to allow stiffness-changing capabilities to be added to the full range of soft robots. After I solved the major mechanical and manufacturing challenges, the final jamming skins are now scalable and can be readily integrated into other future soft robots.
    Jamming Skins Photo
    Figure 1: Jamming skins can be applied to the surface of deformable objects to provide support, or be reconfigured to create structures and tools on-demand. Upon application of a vacuum, the skins transition from flexible and stretchable sheets (no added shading) to stiff surfaces (cyan). Applications shown in the bottom row, from left to right: continuum manipulator with on-demand joints, reconfigurable table, sculptable reservoir for holding liquids.
    Video 1. By stretching an inactive jamming skin, then pulling a vacuum when it's in the desired shape, various structures and tools can be created. Here, we highlight this capability by forming the skin around a 3D printed face, creating a temporary rigid mask. Traditional jamming membranes could only bend about one axis, making such complex shapes impossible.

  2. Embedding actuation and sensing into planar "robotic skins" to turn passive deformable bodies - including foam, clothing, and stuffed animals - into robots (shown below in Figure 2 and Video 2). These multi-functional robots could serve as lightweight tools for space missions, while also finding applications as wearable electronics for healthcare here on Earth. Additional coverage can be found on the web, including at and
    OmniSkins Photo
    Figure 2: Robotic Skins are planar sheets with integrated sensing and actuation. When applied to deformable bodies, a variety of motions and functions can be achieved, depending on the orientation of the skins.
    Video 2. Here, we show how to remove robotic skins and apply them to various deformable objects to "roboticize" them. The concept could find applications in space missions, whereby a single set of robotic skins could accomplish a variety of functions on different missions by leveraging in-situ resources, reducing the total number of robots needed at the landing site or spaceship.

  3. Sensors for impact-resistant, lightweight "tensegrity" robots (see the bottom of Figure 2 for an example). Most of my work in this area uses short rods (10-30 cm) connected to stretchable sensors and pneumatic actuators, but we're inspired by our talented collaborators at NASA Ames, including Massimo Vespignani, who has demonstrated a human-sized "Super Ball Bot" that can absorb heavy impacts and even survive drops of several meters. These tensegrities have potential as exploratory robots that can exploit steep terrain changes, rather than navigating around them.
  4. Making shape-changing robots with talented collaborators from Yale, the University of Vermont, and Tufts University. Example robots include our cable-driven shape-changing robot and our robot that changes shape to locomote in different environments. Shi En Kim concisely summarized the project on Massive Science.
  5. My final PhD projects were to create variable-stiffness robotic skins (research paper in AFM), and stretchable circuits with embedded sensors, to allow them to sense their shape (Video 3). The skins had onboard orientation sensors and stretchable sensors (similar to in the OmniSkins project, above), and could relay their data to an onboard PC. Coupled with stretchable onboard computation (under review), we envision future systems that can sense their own shape in real time, enabling distortion-free flexible displays, smarter soft robots, and intelligently adaptive wearable electronics.
  6. Video 3. By interpolating orientation measurements from onboard sensors, these Stretchable Shape-Sensing Sheets (that's a lot of S's!) can estimate their 3D shape.

Section 3: Agricultural Robotics at Iowa State

May 2014 - Aug 2016

During my concurrent degrees at Iowa State University (B.S. Mechanical Engineering and M.S. Agricultural Engineering, with thesis) , I worked with Lie Tang on developing robotic systems and image-processing pipelines for data collection during the entire plant life-cycle. This data is useful for improving crop yield and studying the effects of various environmental parameters on plant health.

At first, I assisted with data collection and mechanical design (including the stand analyzer for Dr. Tang's startup, FieldRobo LLC), culminating in my masters' project where I led a small team (a few undergraduates and masters' students) to design and program robots to fulfill the goals of the broader projects. The most sophisticated one (prototype shown below in Figure 3), for the Enviratron project, was a mobile rover with a robot arm and a Kinect V2 3D camera for collision-free probing during use with researchers' specified instruments, such as a fluorometer. We additionally created a slender and compact field robot for 15% of the cost of the commercial alternative, allowing us to collect data on crops, such as corn and soybeans, that are grown in fields with narrow row spacing that conventional field robots could not navigate.

Photo of the Enviratron Rover at Iowa State University
Figure 3: My research at Iowa State University included designing and programming the Enviratron rover for automated phenotyping of plants in multiple growth chambers.

Selected Presentations

Occasionally I speak at conferences, workshops, university courses, etc. about research, startups, and life after graduate school. Periodically, these get recorded. I find it fun to look back on what I was thinking at a particular moment in time, and hope you can learn a thing or two from the ones I've added here.

Video 4. On 2024-01-18, I had the opportunity to speak to Professor Xiaonan Huang's class titled "Soft Robotics", at the University of Michigan. This was my first time giving a public lecture on my PhD research since grad school, and gave me the opportunity to reflect more broadly on what I was doing, why, and what I saw as the exciting next steps in the fields of robotic skins and shape-changing robots. HQ Version.


See Google Scholar for an up-to-date and complete list, including patents.










Assembling an ideal team is essential to success. I'd like to acknowledge the undergraduate students who helped with my graduate school research, as this work would not be possible without their diligence and creativity.

  • Andrew Reardon. Yale class of 2021, electrical engineering. Recipient of a Fall 2019 NASA Connecticut Space Grant Undergraduate Fellowship.
  • Ellen Yang. Yale class of 2020, mechanical engineering.
  • Evelyn Huang. Yale class of 2020, computer science.
  • Liana Tilton. Started as a high-school researcher through Hopkins High School. Washington University of St. Louis, class of 2024, Electrical Engineering and Robotics.
  • Caleb Stafford. At ISU from 2012-2015. University of Iowa class of 2017, biomedical engineering.
  • Layne Goertz. ISU class of 2017, mechanical engineering.
  • Austin Plotz ISU class of 2015, ag systems technology, industrial technology, science and technology studies.
  • Taylor Wisgerhof. ISU class of 2016, mechanical engineering.


Google Scholar
© Dylan Shah 2019-2024